Creating, updating, and deleting Projects
Articles on: Planner 1. What's a Project? Organizing and Visualizing your Workload Better: Imagine your to-do list is like a massive library with books scattered all over the place. Projects act as bookmarks that help you organize these books into different sections. For instance, you can tag all your work-related tasks with a "Work" tag, personal chores with a "Home" tag, and perhaps urgent tasks with an "Urgent" tag. With these projects, you cFew readersSwitch between Planner, Projects, and Backlog View
Articles on: Planner Switch between Planner and Projects view Above the Projects menu, you will see two new views: Projects and Planner. Your currently selected workspace's name will appear above these two menu items. Use these to navigate between views. (https://storage.cFew readersAdding Tasks to Planner
Articles on: Planner 1. Add a task to your week To get started using our planning mode, begin with creating your very first task on your to do list. Click on "+ Add task" and type in what you need to get done. Hit enter when you're done to save your task. If you find yourself needing to make changes to your task simply right click on the task and click theFew readers